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For customers

KPM Program

КPM (Key Product Management) Program - providing assistance to our partner-contractors in finding investments on the market. Thanks to our support in seeking investments, it is possible to increase your company's turnovers. Major part of investments on polished floor should be prepared on the design stage.
Lavina is one of the few companies, among machine and equipment suppliers, who works consequently to seek investments for its partners. We seek investments in polished concrete and forward them to our partners.

KPM Program:

Step 1: Lavina's Marketing Department seeks investments

Step 2: Lavina investigates a potential customer, defines detailed technical conditions and rules for completion of a potential investment.

Step 3: Lavina, if necessary, gives customer a presentation of a technology and performs on-site testing.

Step 4: Lavina fills in an order form for an individual investment and forwards it to the Marketing Department.

Step 5: Lavina's Marketing Department sends an e-mail with the order to the Lavina's partners.

Step 6: Partner-contractor receives notification on the order. The only thing to do is to learn the order (description of works, specification of necessary machines, tools, etc.) and prepare a commercial offer for a Customer.

Please note that participation in the KPM Programme helps start-up companies operating in the polished concrete industry to gain self-confidence when it comes to potential future investments.
Very often our important Customers ask us to help find them a qualified contractor to carry out a major investment in concrete polishing. The Customer needs our reference to be sure a contractor has necessary qualifications, machines and tools.
We will not make your business for you but our partners can always count on our assistance!